Thursday, March 15, 2012

Just makes me smile

As much as I love teaching, I love my family more. I have LOVED spending real quality time with MacKenzie the past few days. For our little excursions to break up the day we went shopping in Rockwall with Grandma C. one day, had a Mommy / Daughter lunch date to Chick-fil-a on another, had a family date with Daddy at Culver' today, and then Grandma and Pops came over tonight for dinner. Now during the day at home she has "helped" me with laundry, reorganizing her clothes and starting to reorganize Mommy's side of the closet.

In between those few things I have gotten to:
  • play in her little kitchen and eat her fried chicken
  • play lions with her where we crawl around the house growling.
  • jump on the bed
  • get in a teddy bear throwing contest
  • walk her little toy dog up and down the side walk
  • transform into the tickle monster and chase her around the house

The greatest memories of this week are all of the times that we were playing and she would giggle and laugh until she had the hiccups. I never get tired of hearing her goofy almost evil laugh.

To give you an idea of the fun we had tonight, lets just say that all five of us had to play ring around the rosie with MacKenzie several times. At first we could just sing it for her to twirl and fall down. Then she needed Grandma to do it with her. The next time Grandpa had to join in. The third time it was Daddy's turn to join the fun. Finally it was my turn to be summoned to the party. Once we all joined in with her and "fell down" she had to make sure that we were all laying down. If one of us tried to sit up she would come around and try to get us lay back down. Once she was sure that we were all laying down she went to her spot, laid down, and said "aaaahhh." To that we all just about split our sides laughing. Of course when Kenzie saw us laughing, she found it hysterical and started laughing her head off which of course just made us laugh harder.

We also came up with a fitting adjuective for MacKenzie : Spunky. I love my little girl... Can you tell?

Mommy Daughter Date @ Chick-fil-a

Family date @ Culver's

Daddy Where are you????

AAAHHHH!!! There you are!!!

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