My lovely sister in law Deanna pointed out that I had not dazzled the world with humorous anecdotes about the goings on in the Cardwell home. To that here are my excuses:
As the unavoidable state standardized tests draw ever more near I am spending more and more time fulfilling my duties as a "official 4th grade teacher at Lamar Elementary" (YEAH!!! Longest Interview Ever!, if you count student teaching as a daily interview - which I do, for my DREAM job!!!)
On the positive side I was able to finally put up my sign for next to my door!
Hooray for a trip to Canton with my mom!
As the unavoidable state standardized tests draw ever more near I am spending more and more time fulfilling my duties as a "official 4th grade teacher at Lamar Elementary" (YEAH!!! Longest Interview Ever!, if you count student teaching as a daily interview - which I do, for my DREAM job!!!)
On the positive side I was able to finally put up my sign for next to my door!
Hooray for a trip to Canton with my mom!

The Little things in life that bring a smile to my face.....

Excuse #2
MacKenzie Joye is almost 2
What? Isn't that self explanatory???
Well just in case you have never met MacKenzie, here is a quick catch up. She is non-stop. She loves coloring, eating chicky!! (chicken nuggets), sausy (apple sauce in little on-the-go packets) and CHEESE!!
She has recently acquired the knowledge of how to jump on the bed. That is quickly becoming a favorite activity.
We are also working with her on getting better at entertaining herself when she is home. When she is with Amber there are 3 other kids to play with. At home, not so much. So in order to facilitate that we try to let her ply on her own with out us right there next to her. (By the way this is completely Neil's thing).
Here is a mild example of what mischief MacKenzie gets into:
MacKenzie Joye is almost 2
What? Isn't that self explanatory???
Well just in case you have never met MacKenzie, here is a quick catch up. She is non-stop. She loves coloring, eating chicky!! (chicken nuggets), sausy (apple sauce in little on-the-go packets) and CHEESE!!
She has recently acquired the knowledge of how to jump on the bed. That is quickly becoming a favorite activity.
We are also working with her on getting better at entertaining herself when she is home. When she is with Amber there are 3 other kids to play with. At home, not so much. So in order to facilitate that we try to let her ply on her own with out us right there next to her. (By the way this is completely Neil's thing).
Here is a mild example of what mischief MacKenzie gets into:

Excuse #3
I am trying my best to find that elusive balance between Mom, Wife, and Teacher. Sometimes that requires putting off little projects and hobbies to just have fun. This excuse involves NO complaints from me. I love being able to just enjoy the moment with my family.
Thankfully the other day I had the opportunity to just watch MacKezie play Barbie's with her Daddy and Grandpa. The things they will do for that little girl...

Well there isn't really an excuse to go with this picture. There are two videos but they are too big to email off of my phone, so until I figure out how to get the videos I took of my little Dancing Queen all I can post for now is a snap shot of her rocking out. She LOVES to dance!
Well there isn't really an excuse to go with this picture. There are two videos but they are too big to email off of my phone, so until I figure out how to get the videos I took of my little Dancing Queen all I can post for now is a snap shot of her rocking out. She LOVES to dance!
So I hope that you all will forgive the extended amount of time between posts. Hopefully I can find more time to update and dazzle the world with amusing little snip-its from our life. Until then Harvest the Day (that was just for you Deanna!)
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