Saturday, February 11, 2012

In a word.....amazing!

I can't think of a better introductory blog topic than my daughter. She is our whole world. Descriptive words for her would include stubborn, sweet, kind, silly, Godzilla-like, goofy, dancing queen, dramatic, beautiful, and smart. I know that every parent brags about their child. I am no different. I love telling anyone and everyone about her silly antics. There are a few undeniably brag worthy skills that MacKenzie has. For example, her vocabulary. She is incredibly talkative. At 20 months she is already trying to put together 2 and 3 word sentences. I have no doubt that many of our blogs will include anecdotes revolving around our adorably brilliant little lady.
Our blog might put some of you to sleep, but for us it is meant to be a way to record some of the more memorable events as well as provide a glimpse into our lives for our future descendants. Enjoy!

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